Subject RE: [IBO] Problem in binding cursor?
Author Jason Wharton
Steve said:

Since the MajorID is the primary key for the xMajor table, it
uniquely identifies a record (see the where clause). The GroupID is
the primary key for the xGroup table. I've changed the query to

select ma.MajorID, ma.MajorName, gr.GroupID, gr.GroupName
from xMajor ma
join xGroup gr on gr.GroupID = ma.GroupID
where ma.MajorID = :MajorID

which is almost the same as it was. I've changed the KeyLinks to


Again, these are the primary keys for both tables involved in the
query although the only one needed to uniquely identify a record is
the xMajor.MajorID.

I'm still getting the same error.

Jason replies:
It may be sufficient to uniquely identify a record in the ones returned to
the dataset but you need to make it sufficient to uniquely identify a record
in the database. If you take a careful look at the SQL being generated in
the trace monitor it would probably help give you greater insight here.

There might also be something I can improve on the inside. Contact me
privately and request the beta of my next sub-release and give it a whirl.
It may impact this for good.

Jason Wharton