Subject Re: [IBO] Master-Detail Examples
Author chirug2003
Dear Helen

I did download your screen shots - mine and yours are the same -
except for the fact that my Detail grid does not allow me to enter
the second employee to the project.

I dont need to use two TIBO Tables in a Master-Detail relationship -
it's just that I chose these as a self-teaching experience since
they corresponded to the Paradox tables I'm most familiar with.

I still need to use TDataset compatable components since I use
Quickreport and InfoPower a lot.

So I think I'll now spend some time on investigating using TIBOQuery
with or without a TIBO table in the master-detail relationship.

I have a data model set up and ready. The database containing the
tables etc has been created - using IBExpert and other tools I can
enter info without difficulty with the triggers, constraints etc
doing what is expected. I'm now trying to set up the GUI front end -
and not to use Paradox to do so - although the FB ODBC works pretty

I appreciate everyone's help
