Subject Re: [IBO] How to speed up reading TIBOQuery records
Author Tarak Patel

For your question i got 3 ideas,i know you have more experience,but when i am thinking about fundamental of speed and processing then you shoud increase your database cache and system cache that would be the 1st way and 2nd way is ,to use view to get desired data using delphi with indexing and 3rd way is try your concept on linux or unix platform because of their effective file system structure than window's platform.

i am novice for the firebird but only know concept,if you are not satisfied with my ideas please apologies me.

But please help me about delphi and firebird connection through IBO4...

Kindest Regards,


Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
At 11:05 AM 22/07/2004 +0200, you wrote:
>Using IBO with FB1.5RC8 and Delphi4 I'm reading IBOQuery results into my own
>structures to manage them and display in ListView in virtual mode.
>I can read about 30000 records in 20secs (HD is not still, although enough
>memory could be available) but often there are more needed and I would
>really like to speed up. Executing IBOQuery.Open over a large DB (600000
>records) is much more faster than reading the result afterwards record by
>record. I also don't know any other way than to use the FieldByName()
>method, which might also be the case why it's not as fast as I would like.
>Please anybody has any suggestions how to speed up? But I definitely need to
>read the records into my own memory structures to manage/modify them later
>as fast as possible (no DB feedback is necessary then).

1. Use TIB_Cursor (no need for a scrolling dataset here)
2. Refer to the Fields array or the Row object, instead of FieldByName
3. Equip your workstations with very good UPSs.

Fields[n] or Fields['ColumnName']


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