Subject Re: Tib_Currency.ReadOnly accept delete key.
Author rudi_josic
Thanks Marco.

I will wait your message.

Best Regards.-

Rudi Josic'.

--- In, "Marco Menardi" <mmenaz@m...> wrote:
> --- In, "rudi_josic" <rudijosic@c...>
> > Greetings.-
> >
> > First, excuse my English
> >
> > ** Delphi6, Ibo4.3Aa Eval, Win2K Pro, Firebird 1.5 **
> >
> > My problem or doubt is:
> >
> > I have a (many) Tib_Currency with the ReadOnly property set to
> > and can not enter any value (perfect!!) but the delete key can
> >
> > when delete key is pressed, even the cursor is in any position
> > selected all text)of the value , the box is cleaned.
> >
> > Is this normal or is a bug?
> >
> > I proved Tib_Edit and don't do that (do not accept any key,
> > delete key!!)
> >
> > all properties in the Tib_Currency are default ones, only change
> > ReadOnly to True and DisplayFormat to 'Bs. #.###,##' (whitout
> > and, of course, DataSource and Datafield.
> >
> > Any suggestion will be very appreciated and lot of help.
> >
> > Best Regards.
> >
> > Rudi Josic'.
> I suspect it's a bug. Let me investigate and I will let you know in
> couple of days. If not, remember me the problem here with a new
> message, or e-mail me privately.
> best regards
> Marco Menardi