Subject RE: [IBO] Client-Side Filtering
Author Paul Hope
Hi Thomas

I still havnt tested it myself ;-) but . . .

I was little puzzled by '.. if the filter changes'. If you are using the
OnFilterRecord event then your filter expression will be in your Delphi code
and you wont be using the filter property?

The help says . .

New features in version 4 mean it is no longer necessary to refresh the rows
from the server in order to re-evaluate the row's Filtered flag. The flag is
now applied to all of the rows which remain in the buffers. If the filtering
criteria change, it is now sufficient to call only the RefreshFiltered
method. It does not involve the server at all - it just recalculates all of
the filtered flags of the rows in the buffers.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Steinmaurer [mailto:ts@...]
> Sent: 25 June 2004 17:47
> To:
> Subject: RE: [IBO] Client-Side Filtering
> Hi Paul,
> > I believe that if you use the OnFilterRecord event it will stay client
> side.
> > At least that's what Jason told me - havn't tested it myself yet ;-)
> ;-)
> Well, I still see in the SQL monitor that the statement
> gets re-executed if the filter changes.
> I've set AutoFetchAll := True for my TIB_Query, but there
> still seems to be traffic between the client and the server.
> Any further ideas?
> Thanks a lot,
> Thomas
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