Subject work around for francois piette's midware for delphi 7 personal
Author jim mcnamara
hi helen and everyone-

here is what i came up with for a solution since midware wont work for
the personal version of

i think i will use the following method and tools for a program i write.
-- regular delphi forms with controls that arent data aware for the
-- i will host my own database and keyfocus webserver
-- use TWebPost by
-- use python and kinterbasDB for executing posted sql statement i
generate on delphi client form
posted with TWebPost.
-- I can use ibo data aware controls for stuff I want to do with the
firebird db i am hosting (not for the client)

this way i wont have to design a big web interface with all those html
i can just stick to a little python scripting. I will use mostly delphi
code, component use, and sql.

does this sound like a decent approach so i can have some web capability
my delphi 7 personal edition?

please let me know what you think.
I hope it makes sense.
