Subject RE: [IBO] DML Caching with TDataset compatible IBO components
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
Hi Enrico,

> i have write 2 wrapper for add DML_Caching at TIBOQuery and TIBOTable
> components for IBO Ver. 4.2Gb
> if you wan't i can send it to you.

I've mine nearly finished, but as stated in my initial
message, I encountered some problems with the default
DML caching events, when using InternalDataset.

Are you using the default DML caching events, or do
you override them by providing specific code in the
OnDMLCacheAnnounceItem or OnDMLCacheReceivedItem

As said, with 4.3Aa, I've nailed the problem down to
(or at least, I think that's the right one) the unit
IB_Components.pas line 24155, method

StatementLink is always 0 for a TIBOQuery, whereas
it is 1 for TIB_Query. That seems to be the reason,
why an DML cache event isn't handled propery.
