Subject Coloring an entire row in TIB_Grid
Author clatu_earth

Anyone please can tell me what's wrong with the following piece of

void __fastcall TForm1::IB_Grid1GetCellProps(TObject *Sender,
int ACol, int ARow,
TGridDrawState AState, TColor &AColor, TFont *AFont)
if (IB_Qry1->Active && ACol > 0 && ARow >= IB_Grid1->FixedRows)
if (IB_Qry1->BufferFieldByName("PEND")->AsString == "YES")
AColor = clLime;

As it just leaves the first cell of each row with the wrong color.

According to my tests, it seems that the BufferFieldByName method
returns the value of the previous row. But it happens only while
drawing the first cell of the new row.

Am I missing something?
