Subject Re: Reset params if a TIB_StoredProc
Author Marco Menardi
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...> wrote:
> At 01:12 PM 6/05/2004 +0000, you wrote:
> >sp.ExecProc();
> >
> >
> >In the second case, if I do not assign "time" pameter but the former
> >value is kept.So, STORED_NUMBER_2 stored procedure "reads"
> >TIME=myTime.
> >
> >I have solve it doing: sp.ParamByName("TIME").Clear();
> >
> >But I am looking for a function to "reset" all parameters.
> sp.Params.ClearBuffers;
> Helen
In the ExecSQL help it's clearly stated, but I discover it by "the
hard way". Maybe there should be a list of those "tips" somewhere.
And, is the following bug for Jason? If I use
sp.ParamByName("MYNAME").Value := NULL, it retains the previous value
(MYNAME is a varchar field).
sp.ParamByName("MYNAME").AsString := '' works fine instead.
Anyway, sp.Params.ClearBuffers( rsNone ) seems to be the correct syntax.
Marco Menardi