Subject RE: [IBO] InsertSQL
Author Eric Tishler
My mistake. Now that you reminded me I do recall you recommending TIB_Cursor or TIB_DSQL.

Your input is always appreciated.

Best Regards,


Eric Tishler
Software Architect
Resolute Partners, LLC
Phone: 203.271.1122
Fax: 203.271.1460

-----Original Message-----
From: Helen Borrie [mailto:helebor@...]
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 6:22 PM
Subject: RE: [IBO] InsertSQL

At 08:57 AM 3/05/2004 -0400, you wrote:

>BTW - I may be wrong, but from what I gather Helen explained to me it is
>better to use TIBOQuery for DSQL statements and TIB_Query for statements
>that return a result set. TIBOQuery has the same FieldByName method, so
>the syntax would be the same.

Oops, Eric, I would not have said such a thing. TIB_Cursor or TIB_DSQL for
execute statements, TIBOQuery or TIB_Query for select statements.


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