Subject Re: [IBO] ISC ERROR CODE 335544344
Author Dmitry Beloshistov
Hello, psangelotti2!
You wrote to <> on Fri, 30 Apr 2004 10:33:53 -0000:

p> Does anybody know the Firebird's error "ISC ERROR CODE: 335544344"?

This is ISC_IO_ERROR in IB_Header.pas

p> What it menas?

AFAIK, FB/IB server can`t write or read database file (no permission, bad
drive, wrong path to database etc...).

p> Where I find a Firebird/Interbase's complete error list?
p> regards,

IB_Header.pas or in IBError.h from you IB/FB instalation ..\include\

WBR, Dmitry Beloshistov AKA [-=BDS=-]