Subject array
Author Ulrich

in one of my db-tables there are 10 numeric(18,4) fields for storing
ten diferent prices. I thought about to store them in the array :
NUMERIC(18,4) [1:10]

In my app I use an array[10] of currency. To store the array into
database i use the following code :

procedure price_store;
Var ArraySize : ISC_LONG;
ArrayCol : TIB_ColumnArray;
price : Array [1..10] of currency;
// here is some code to read the prices out of a stringgrid
// and store them in price array

ArraySize := ISC_LONG(sizeof(price));

with Ib_QueryArticles.fieldByName('price') as TIB_ColumnArray do

I receive an "ISC 335544329 - invalid blob-id" error message, but
nevertheless the prices will be stored in the datafield.

The TIB_query SQL is a simple "select * from articles" statement. Is
it somehow necesary to inform the TIB_Query about the array datafield?

What can I do to avoid these errror message, and what further
information for me is in this error message?

regards - Ulrich