Subject RE: [IBO] ConnectionWasLost Property
Author Eric Tishler
Direct from the IBO help file:

Flag to indicate if a connection was lost.
Applies to
property ConnectionWasLost: boolean;

It is true only when the TIB_Connection object has lost it's connection to the database

Eric Tishler
Software Architect
Resolute Partners, LLC
Phone: 203.271.1122
Fax: 203.271.1460

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Nielsen [mailto:mnielsen@...]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 4:17 PM
Subject: [IBO] ConnectionWasLost Property

What is the ConnectionWasLost property on the Database component

I have a situation where a Service Application connects to the
database when it starts but the database server may have been re-
booted or the database service may have re-started and I need to be
able to recover from a "connection forcibly closed by the remote
host" error# 335544721 in my service so that I don't have to restart
the service.

Thanks for the help,


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