Subject Re: [IBO] IBOAdmin Backup
Author Mark Pickersgill
Sunday, 21 March 2004, 11:34 PM
Hi Don,

I too have had great difficulty with the IBOAdmin components, but I
managed to get at least the Services components cranked up under
Delphi 5 today!

Anyway, once I got that far I also had the same problem as

If you replace the line in your code that says:
DatabaseName := gIP+':'+gFBPath;


LoginPrompt := false;
ServerName := gIP; // where Database server lives
DatabaseName := gFBPath; // This is soley the database file path
Protocol := cpTCP_IP; // Must set this to whatever protocol
you're using

it should work.

The current error you are receiving is because of the LoginPrompt
property. I haven't tried, but I think you'll have to hook up the
OnLogin event if you want the LoginPrompt.


DG> Still won't work. Now it says operation canceled by user. Here's what I've
DG> got:

DG> IBOBackupService1 := TIBOBackupService.Create(nil);
DG> with IBOBackupService1 do
DG> begin
DG> Params.Add('user_name=xxxx');
DG> Params.Add('password=yyyy');
DG> try
DG> Verbose := True;
DG> Options := [IgnoreLimbo];
DG> DatabaseName := gIP+':'+gFBPath;
DG> vBFile := extractfilepath(gFBPath)+'syncBkUp.fbk';
DG> BackupFile.Add(vBFile);
DG> Active := True;
DG> ServiceStart;
DG> while not eof do
DG> begin
DG> Application.ProcessMessages;
DG> Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
DG> Memo1.Lines.Add(GetNextLine);
DG> Memo1.Update;
DG> end;
DG> Memo1.Lines.Add('Backup file - ' + vBFile);
DG> Memo1.Lines.Add('Backup complete...');
DG> finally
DG> Active := False;
DG> screen.cursor := crdefault;
DG> end; //try/finally
DG> end;//with...

>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Don Gollahon
>> To: IBObjects (E-mail)
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 4:22 PM
>> Subject: [IBO] IBOAdmin Backup
>> I'm trying to use the IBOAdmin backup service and can't get it to work.
DG> It
>> fails on the attach with a "SPB constant not supported." Does anyone
DG> have a
>> simple example of how this works?
>> I've tried to email the author but can't get an email thru. He has a
DG> spam
>> blocker and when I get the email from it the link doesn't work to verify
DG> the
>> email.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Thanks.
>> ---
>> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
>> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
>> Version: 6.0.611 / Virus Database: 391 - Release Date: 3/6/2004
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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