Subject Help : Connection lost - without no event
Author ronald_greven

I have a big problem.
I use a TIB_Edit in my Application, where always a special value is
shown. Sometimes, without no action, this IB_Edit is Empty, no value
is being shown, but the event AfterDisconnect or OnConnected changed
is not triggered.

In the IB_Connection Object I changed the following Properties :

object IB_Connection1: TIB_Connection
DefaultTransaction = IB_Transaction1
Params.Strings = (
'PAGE SIZE=8192')
BeforeConnect = IB_Connection1BeforeConnect
AfterConnect = IB_Connection1AfterConnect
BeforeDisconnect = IB_Connection1BeforeDisconnect
AfterDisconnect = IB_Connection1AfterDisconnect
OnConnectedChanged = IB_Connection1ConnectedChanged
OnError = IB_Connection1Error
Left = 24
Top = 8

in the source-code I connect the database as following :

DataModule1.IB_Connection1.Password := 'masterkey';
DataModule1.IB_Connection1.Username := 'sysdba';
DataModule1.IB_Connection1.CharSet := 'WIN1252';
DataModule1.IB_Connection1.PageSize := 8192;
DataModule1.IB_Connection1.Database := Mandant.Pfad;

my transaction-object has the following changed properties:
object IB_Transaction1: TIB_Transaction
IB_Connection = IB_Connection1
Isolation = tiCommitted
OnError = IB_Transaction1Error
Left = 120
Top = 8

the query I am using has the following properies :
object IB_Bon: TIB_Query
DatabaseName = ':'
FieldsAlignment.Strings = (
FieldsDisplayFormat.Strings = (
IB_Connection = IB_Connection1
SQL.Strings = (
'select * from Bon'
'where Primary1=:Primary1'
OnError = IB_AbschlussinfoError
AutoFetchAll = True
CallbackInc = -1
CallbackInitInt = 0
CallbackRefreshInt = 0
ColorScheme = False
KeyLinks.Strings = (
MasterSearchFlags = [msfOpenMasterOnOpen,
RequestLive = True
BufferSynchroFlags = [bsBeforeEdit, bsAfterEdit, bsAfterInsert]
CommitAction = caRefresh
FetchWholeRows = True
Left = 24
Top = 352

I only show you them, cause I have absolutly no idea, where this
problem can come from. I dont know, if its a problem with the
IB_Conncetion-Object, if it is a problem with the IB_Transaction-
object or maybe something with the IB_Query.

I hope you can help..

Best greetings
