Subject Re: Fwd: [IBO] Params incorrectly saved in the dfm file
I see that doing Edit Query does wipe out the TParam settings. I'll see if I can prevent that.



j> I've been trying to reproduce this and so far have only seen the correct behavior.

now this is strange: I have tried with a different machine and
following exactly the outlined steps yelds no malfunction.

The difference is that this machine hasn't got IBO 4.3Aa but 4.3Aa
plus my multiple client changes. I'm puzzled; I'll have to
try again at work just to confirm I'm not getting crazy and then
compare the sources between the two machines.

j> Anything else you can think of to help me isolate this?

I have a modified version of the steps that causes a problem
(not sure if it's exactly the same problem) on this machine:

j> 1) create a new application and put a TIBOQuery on the main form.

j> 2) put a parameterized select statement in its SQL property.
j> For example:

j> select *

Do this using the "Edit Query" context menu item. Click OK.

j> 3) By means of the Object Inspector, set the param's
j> DataType property to ftString, and the ParamType property
j> to ptInput (they are set to ftUnknown and ptUnknown by default).

Come back to "Edit Query", don't change anything and click OK.

j> 7) Check the params settings in the Object Inspector and see that
j> they have been reset back to their default ftUnknown/ptUnknown.

Nando mailto:nandod@...