Subject Re: [IBO] Error in TIB_UpdateSQL/TDataset based IBO with delimited tables?
Author Martijn Tonies
Hello all,

Did I miss something here? Is my proposed solution ok?

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL & MS SQL
Upscene Productions

> Hi all,
> I've just had a customer reporting errors with a table name "CASE"
> (yes, with quotes, it's a reserved word). From what I can see, I'm
> using v4.3.Aa
> When doing a simple:
> select *
> from "CASE"
> order by PKfields
> Now, the TDataset based strain auto-creates an internal
> TIB_UpdateSQL.
> The following happens when modifying the value in a column:
> function TIB_UpdateSQL.GetEditDSQL: TIB_Statement;
> var
> ii, jj: smallint;
> edSQL: string;
> begin
> if CheckDSQLNeedsInit( FEditDSQL ) then
> begin
> if ModifySQL.Count > 0 then
> PrepareCustomDML( FEditDSQL, FModifySQL.Text )
> else
> with Dataset do
> begin
> CheckKeyRelation;
> edSQL := 'UPDATE ' + SysKeyRelation + #13#10;
> jj := 0;
> for ii := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do with Fields[ii] do
> begin
> if not ReadOnly and not Computed and ( SysKeyRelation =
> RelName ) then
> //// SysKeyRelation holds "CASE" while RelName holds CASE and as you
> can see, they are not equal. This goes on for all columns, so in the
> end, jj = 0 and the exception 'Cannot initialize EditDSQL' is being
> raised.
> begin
> if jj = 0 then
> edSQL := edSQL + ' SET ' + SQLName + ' = ' + ParamChar +
> SQLName
> else
> edSQL := edSQL + #13#10' , ' +
> SQLName + ' = ' +
> ParamChar + SQLName;
> Inc( jj );
> end;
> end;
> if jj = 0 then begin
> raise EIB_DatasetError.Create( Format(
> E_Init_Default_SQL_Failed,
> [ 'EditDSQL' ] ));
> end;
> edSQL := edSQL + #13#10'WHERE ';
> Does it make sense to check like:
> if ... (AnsiDequotedStr(SysKeyRelation) = RelName)
> ?
> With regards,
> Martijn Tonies
> Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL &
> MS SQL Server
> Upscene Productions
> IB Objects - direct, complete, custom connectivity to Firebird or
> without the need for BDE, ODBC or any other layer.
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