Subject RE: [IBO] File not found IB_components.dcu IBO4_5_Ag_Full.exe version- no *.bpl or *.dcpfiles in \d2005
Author Adrian Wreyford
All the log files for the d2005 are empty: 0K

See attached

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Wharton [mailto:jwharton@...]
Sent: 26 November 2004 06:59 PM
Subject: RE: [IBO] File not found IB_components.dcu IBO4_5_Ag_Full.exe
version- no *.bpl or *.dcpfiles in \d2005

> I noticed no *.bpl or *.dcp files In the \d2005 directory.
> Perhaps they did
> not compile.

Look in your Logs folder to see if you can find why.
I'll run a full battery of tests on the installer today.

Jason Wharton

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