Subject RE: [IBO] TIB_Update Bar
Author Malcolm Smith

You're confusing Delphi syntax with C++. From memory that syntax refers to
a Set<>, so try:

dbupdLogs->VisibleButtons << ubInsert;

I don't have IBO installed on this machine so I don't know the type for
'VisibleButtons', but to have ubInsert ONLY it is something like this
(pseudo code):

dbupdLogs->VisibleButtons = TVisibleButtons() << ubInsert;

Malcolm Smith
MJ Freelancing
Borland Technology Partner

Contributing Editor
C++Builder Developers Journal
FREE issue:

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Jimenez [mailto:d.jimenez@...]
Sent: Friday, 19 November 2004 17:23
Subject: RE: [IBO] TIB_Update Bar

> The VisibleButtons property is a set. So a typical setting
> for this propety might be:
> MyUpdateBar.VisibleButtons := [ubEdit, ubInsert, ubDelete,
> ubPost, ubCancel];
> Then, you want to hide the Cancel button in some event:
> MyUpdateBar.VisibleButtons := [ubEdit, ubInsert, ubDelete, ubPost];
> ...and so on....
> There's a full enumeration of the set in the help text.
> Helen

I have tried this, as I did see the help text mentioning that it is a set.
However, it will not work for me.

dbupdLogs->VisibleButtons = [ubInsert];

As I get compile errors [C++ Error] LogsForm.cpp(60): E2188 Expression

Also tried:


[C++ Error] LogsForm.cpp(60): E2094 'operator+' not implemented in type
'TIB_UpdateBar_ButtonSet' for arguments of type 'TIB_UpdateBar_ButtonType'



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