Subject [IBO] Problem executing a Script
Author Enrico Raviglione
Hi to all,
i have some stranges problem updating a database with a SQL Script on
FireBird v.1.5 Server (RC4 or RC7).

For update my DataBase (and Database installed to my costumers) my
application run some scripts using a TIB_Script component.

In some case (to some costumers) and randomly the update process stop
with error. Then if i re-do it the process can terminate succesfully.
I don't understand why, below the sequence of the update operation.

The sequence are this:
1) log in as SYSDBA
2) verify who no other user are logged on to my DB
3) Load the first instruction of the script (at ex. Alter Stored
Procedure ..... ) and Execute it;
4) Load the second instruction of the script (at ex. Alter Stored
Procedure ..... ) and Execute it;
5) Load the third instruction of the script (at ex. Alter Stored
Procedure ..... ) and Execute it;
6) etc....
7) at the end of update start my updated application.

Any step (3, 4, 5) are isolated using Transaction and the TIB_Script
event in this manner:
1) On TIB_Script->BeforeExecute i call StartTransaction();
2) On TIB_Script->AfterExecute i test if the Script are runned correctly
then i call the Commit() or terminate with a Rollback().

Below the procedures attached to the event:

void __fastcall MyClass::ScriptBeforeExecute(TObject *Sender)

Script->SQL->Assign( FSQLScriptLines );

Versione->Caption = FSQLScriptLines->Strings[0].Trim();
ProgressBar->Max = Script->SQL->Count-1;
ProgressBar->Position = 0;
Visible = true;

void __fastcall MyClass::ScriptAfterExecute(TObject *Sender)
if ( Script->ExecutingFailed )

Application->MessageBox("\r\n Errors updating database!
else if ( Script->ExecutingAborted )

Application->MessageBox("\r\n Errors updating database!

Best regards,
Enrico Raviglione