Subject FieldsDisplayFormat problem
Author sugi
Dear IBObjects Group,

After reading mr Marco Menardi's paper (:), In TIBODataset, I set the
FieldsDisplayFormat to something like the following :
Where TDATE is a domain equivalent of DATE column type.

Then I put a TIBOQuery with 'select * from table', and it really
works...:) The grids, etc, will show the data with the format I
specified for the domain.

Until I created persistent fields on the TIBOQuery/TIBOTable. (Design
time, Right click on the component, add all fields, for example). When I
do this, suddenly everything revert back to the normal default format.

I'm not sure whether this is a 'bad behaviour' or 'normal behaviour'
since the docs do mention that the Connection's FieldsDisplayFormat will
be used UNLESS overridden at the Dataset level. In a way, declaring a
persistent fields qualifies as 'overriding' the setting (since the
fields have their own DisplayFormat property).

The main question: is there any way to enforce this 'connection-wide
setting' when I'm using persistent fields?

Finally, mr Marco Menardi's paper (thanks!:) is the first one that shed
some light on these features of IBO. Are there any papers/docs that I
should read for more information on the subject? The online FAQ is a bit
painful to use if you don't know what to search for...:)
