Subject RE: [IBO] 335544721 and 10061 errors
Author Kevin Everhart
I have had trouble in the past with NT not picking up an entry in the hosts
file. So I changed to using the IP Address and haven't had a problem since.
All my machines are configured the same (Machines are Ghosted). Would work
on some and not others. No apparent reason why it would work on some and not

I started a thread about this a couple years ago but, don't have them on my
system anymore.

Try changing your Server String from RECORDS to
Your Connect String should read\Data\BikeReg.GDB

See if that works.

> to my hosts file but it still gives the error.
> (Again my connect string is RECORDS:E:\Data\BikeReg.GDB)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis [mailto:dchri@...]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [IBO] 335544721 and 10061 errors

O/H Steve Fields ??????:

>--- In, "Artur Anjos" <artur@a...> wrote:
>>>This is nuts...
>>> I can ping RECORDS
>>> (or
>>> I have NO firewall on server or workstation
>>> (Hardware firewall only on router to Internet)
>>> I cannot get Telnet to open on RECORDS on ANY port
>>> (3050 or otherwise)
>>Now we are getting in some place.
>>What operating system are you using on the Workstation ?
>WinNT4 SP6, server is WinNT Server 4 SP6
>I have these apps running on 20 other PCs of the
>same make and setup, so this is strange as I set
>them all up at the same time, (at purchase).
Well just a long shot but what about the lisensing on the Server ? Is
per Client or per Server ?
If per Client, how many Clients ?


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