Subject Re: [IBO] UNC to Interbase/Firebird requirement
Author Daniel Rail

At August 14, 2003, 18:16, Alan McDonald wrote:
> This would mean that you are allowing users to browse to the gdb file across
> the network and network shares... i.e. they can see the gdb file in their
> file system. That's not recommended anyway..
> I only ever use text boxes to place the server name in (installed as a
> default but therefore editable). Even being able to know the path in some
> cases is not recommended, that's why there are server aliases now. You need
> only install the servername and the alias.

Just to add. It's Firebird 1.5 that supports server side aliases.
And, it works really nice.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (