Subject OldParameterOrdering
Author Aage Johansen
Is there a final, permanent, good fix for the "OldParameterOrdering" problem?

Using IB_SQL built with 4.2.I I'm testing the following
insert into XSR (USERID,FLT,WRD)
select :USERID, :FLT, WRD
from WRDS
where SWRD starting :SWRD
where USERID and FLT are integer and smallint, and SWRD is varchar(32).
Preparing (with OldParameterOrdering = 1) gives me
USERID VarText(32)
SWRD Integer
FLT SmallInt
Obviously, not good.
Preparing (with default OldParameterOrdering) gives me
USERID Integer
SWRD SmallInt
FLT VarText(32)
Obviously, not good.

Table definition:
create table WRDS (
SWRD varchar(32) not Null primary key,
WRD integer);
Server version is WI-T1.5.0.3233 Firebird 1.5 Release Candidate 1
fbclient.dll is
gds32.dll is

What do I have to do to make it
USERID Integer
FLT SmallInt
SWRD VarText(32)

I first saw the problem in my program (using D6 and IBO/4.1.Id), where I
got message telling me "'<some string>' is not an integer value" or words
to that effect on the statement
SomeQuery.ParamByName('SWRD').AsString:=<some string>;
Will a newer IBO version solve the problem?

Aage J.