Subject | Re: [IBO] Converting TQuery to TIBOQuery |
Author | henry FRANQUET |
Post date | 2003-07-21T08:43:58Z |
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...> wrote:
CurrentParam : TParam;
FQuery : TIBOQuery;
CurrentParam := FQuery.ParamByName('p' + CurrentField.FName);
It retrun this error:
[Error] MyFile.pas(453): Incompatible Types : 'TParam' et 'TIB_Column'
But when I was using a TQuery it was working fine...
So did I do something wrong?
> At 06:45 PM 18/07/2003 +1000, you wrote:returning a
> >I was using the methode ParamByName of a TQuery and it was
> >TParam, but when I wanted to convert my TQuery to a TIBOQuery, theuse
> >methode
> >ParamByName returns a TIB_Column which is not compatible (we can't
> >ParamType, DataType, Bound,...). So is there a way to convert thisTParams, just
> >TQuery
> >without changing the whole code of my application?
> You don't have to change it. TIBOQuery's Params property is a
> as TQuery.only
> On thing you should understand about the IBO help - it documents
> properties and methods that it implements itself, or re-implements. It
> does not document those of the VCL ancestors.array
> TIBOQuery does indeed have a Params property that is a TIB_Row - an
> of TIB_Column (as the help says) - but this refers to an internalmethods of
> TIB_Dataset that is maintained as a class wrapper for TIBOBaseQuery.
> Normally, you are not encouraged to access the properties and
> the InternalDataSet. TIBOQuery publishes all of the internal propsand
> methods that are applicable to it, e.g. KeyLinks, GeneratorLinks,and so
> on. Just use those of the TQuery as before (use the Delphi help)and all
> will be well.So I don't understand why I have an error with this code:
> Helen
CurrentParam : TParam;
FQuery : TIBOQuery;
CurrentParam := FQuery.ParamByName('p' + CurrentField.FName);
It retrun this error:
[Error] MyFile.pas(453): Incompatible Types : 'TParam' et 'TIB_Column'
But when I was using a TQuery it was working fine...
So did I do something wrong?