Subject Re: [IBO] Digest Number 1525
Author Rhett Rodewald

I will forward it when I get it working to my satisfaction. AFAIK, The
part that is missing from IBO is the part that increments the items in the
IBO$SCHEMA_VERSION table. If these items are incremented appropriately,
then IBO seems to handle changes after that.

Right now, my code just creates generators (IBO$SCHEMA_GEN_xxx) for each
schema cache item, and then I manually increment the appropriate items
whenever I modify then metadata with my "UpdateSchema" procecdure. The
important part is this:

[FieldByName('SCHEMA_ITEM').AsString]), nil);

The part that really needs to be added is to automatically increment these
generators in IBO without a seperate call to my "UpdateSchema" procedure.
I realize that this means parsing the SQL -- but I'm sure it is doable.
Just may be a while before I get around to it.

To be frank, I don't see the need for the table at all, except that it is
perhaps faster to query than the generators. Otherwise, the
IBO$SCHEMA_VERSION table could be replaced by using the generators
directly. I have noticed that it is a fairly slow operation to create the
generators in the first place, I'm not sure of the speed differences
between querying the table or accessing the generators instead.


P.S. Does anyone know if it is possible to post to the newserver
( I keep getting rejected and have to e-mail to instead. I thought the newsserver was supposed
to allow posting if you were on the list? TIA!

On Sat, 28 Jun 2003 16:40:47 +0000 (UTC), IB Objects
<jwharton@...> wrote:

> Rhett,
> I would be interested in your changes. Also, there is somewhat of an
> implementation to have the database track schema cache versions and
> update
> itself automatically. It was contributed code that I merged in so I'm not
> as
> intimately familiar with it as code I write myself. Perhaps you can pick
> up
> on it and see how it matches with yours?
> Jason Wharton
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