Subject Re: TIB_lookupcombo doesnt appear in the grid?
Author Marco Menardi
--- In, "james_027" <james_027@y...> wrote:
> Guys ... I have done all of your suggestion and still I didnt come up
> with the right result ... please help me ...

I've a bug logged that I never reported to Jason (Jason, if now you
are reading...).
a) if the lookup dataset has OrderingItems set upon the same field
(es. Customer.Customer_Id) used by KeyLinks in the Lookup dataset.
Then if the lookup dataset is a join among tables, and fields are
qualified as table.fieldname (i.e. select customers.customer_id, ...),
in DisplayField you have to use only the field name, without
qualifier. If you use the qualifier, the TIB_lookupcombo works well
"stand alone" but disappears in the grid
b) if the lookup dataset has OrderingItems set upon a *different*
field (es. Customer.Customer_Name) used by KeyLinks in the Lookup
dataset, you have to set DisplayField to a correct field for the
lookup (i.e. Customer_Id).
These are old notes, and were in italian, so hope they are still up to
date and you can understand my "on the fly" translation.
Let me (us) know, and let jason know too ;)
Marco Menardi