Subject Re: [IBO] does a tiboquery in a prepared state consume resources on the server?
Author IB Objects
Geoff created a really nice tool found on the TIB_UtilityBar called the
IBF_Status form. It will display what all handles are allocated on the


----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Schuff" <rob@...>
Newsgroups: egroups.ibobjects
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] does a tiboquery in a prepared state consume resources on
the server?

> Hi Jason,
> I ended up using the following:
> // create the params
> anIBODatastore.SelectQuery.Prepare;
> // free up any server resources without the params definitions!
> anIBODatastore.SelectQuery.FreeServerResources;
> It gives me exactly what I need. I can do this for every query on my
> asta server. Now I just need to **be sure** I'm not holding any server
> resources....Is there a way to see that info on the IBServer?
> Many thanks!
> rob