Subject keydesclinks
Author delphmic

I have 2 queries :
DETAILS with the fields "AR_Ref", "Name", "Quantity", "Price"
ARTICLES with the fields "AR_Ref", "Name", "Price"

ARTICLES is linked by keysource to DETAILS with keylinks

a TIB_GRID with datasource set to DETAILS, and inside the grid there
is a tib_lookupcombo with datasource set to ARTICLES and displayfield
set to "AR_Ref".

in the keydesclinks of ARTICLES i have:

so when i select a row in the combo, it updates the "Name"
and "Price" columns of the grid.

My problem is I want to set "Quantity" to 0 at the same time.
Where to do this ? Is it possible to use constant in keydesclinks ?

thanks for help