Subject Re: [IBO] caption on IB_NavigationBar
Author radevojvodic
Hi there,

the best you can do is to use IB_Actions and standard SpeedButtons
instead of NavigationBar. The same is with UpdateBar, but if you want
to use colorscheme and AppendOnInsert you have to do a little coding
yourself. Also, there are no actions for SearchBar and i was posting
a message with a question could it be done.

--- In, "Ulrich" <ulrich.groffy@t...> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was looking for the same things. Up to now I found only the Hints
> TStrings-property in TIB_Cursor and TIB_Query. Here you can put in
the hints
> for insert/delete etc. When for example a TIB_UpdateBar is
connected to this
> Dataset, the TIB_UpdateBar shows the specific hints.
> Best regards - Ulrich
> > is it possible to add a caption and custom hints to any of the
bars. I see
> > that the buttons are inherited from TPpeedbutton but i can't see
> these
> > specific properties are surfaced. We Are using IBO3
> >