Subject To use Stored procs or not
Author tickerboo2002

This is concerning stored proc usage.

Before I got into Firebird and IBO the only other db programming
experience I had was with SQL Server v7 and MSVC. On that project,
no SQL was contained within the client sw, everything was a stored
procedure. At the time I understood the reasons to be faster speed,
and centralised SQL tweaking/fixes etc

Now that I'm using FB & IBO, I find all my SQL code is within my
application and I'm using no stored procs.

What are the pro's and con's of using client SQL or stored procs with
fb/IBO. I sometimes read people mocking the fact that client sw
contains SQL code, is it so bad?

Lastly, are there any examples of stored procs that I can peruse to
gain an idea of their capabilities/structure etc?

