Subject Re: [IBO] SchemaCache without any functionality

I´ll send you a sample.


gbehnke2000 schrieb:
> Dear Members,
> i'm not able to use the SchemaCache-functionality !
> Migth be someone can help me.
> I put a correct existed directory path in the ib_Connection-
> SchemaCacheDir without any consequence, nothing happens. But if i call
> ib_Connection->FlushSchemaCache();
> then a new folder will created with the name of my database. For
> example
> i have a existed director c:\SchemaCache then after the call of
> Flush.... a new folder exist like this
> c:\SchemaCache\MyDB but this folder keeps empyt !?
> Neither
> ib_Connection->SchemaCache->CheckSchemaVersionTable();
> or
> ib_Connection->SchemaCache->InvalidateAllItems();
> will create any Schemafiles.
> Some times, i could'nt really find out under which circumstances it
> will happens two files are created ClientSchemaVer.IBO and
> TableNames.IBO.
> But as i mentionend this files are created, so seems to me, more
> randomly then exactly in this time on which the creation should
> happens.
> Thanks for any help
> Gerhard Behnke
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
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