Subject | Re: [IBO] error when remote connecting |
Author | Helen Borrie |
Post date | 2003-04-05T01:37:17Z |
At 10:33 PM 4/04/2003 +0000, you wrote:
occurs. What does the IB_Monitor show?
>I am using IBO3, Delphi3 and Firebird 1.02Not without seeing the statement that is requested when the exception
>I wrote a very simple program.
>There is a single form with a TPageControl.
>In the active page of the TPageControl, there is a TDBGrid.
>In the OnFormCreate event of the form, this TDBGrid is filled by a
>The SQL code is
> with ArtQry do
> begin
> DatabaseName:='cb4db';
> RequestLive:=False;
> SQL.Clear;
> SQL.Add('select');
> SQL.Add('cod_art ,');
> SQL.Add('des_art ,');
> SQL.Add('giac4 ,');
> SQL.Add('giac3 ,');
> SQL.Add('giac2 ,');
> SQL.Add('giac1 ');
> SQL.Add('from ');
> SQL.Add('PikArtAllMag(:cur_dat)');
> Prepare;
> ParamByName('cur_dat').AsDateTime:=CurDat;
> ExecSQL;
>PikArtAllMag is a SP that returns all items and the quantities in
>stock in different warehouses.
>This works ok.
>When the user selects the 2nd page of the TPageControl, I want to
>show the last purchases of the item selected.
>To this aim, I build the following query:
> with AcqQry do
> begin
> DatabaseName:='cb4db';
> sql.Add('select first 20 a.d_mov, a.n_mov, c.des_cf, b.qta,
> from ');
> sql.Add('mv_hd a, mv_li b, tb_cf c, tb_cau1 d where');
> sql.Add('a.y_mov=b.y_mov');
> sql.Add('and');
> sql.Add('a.n_mov=b.n_mov');
> sql.Add('and');
> sql.Add('a.cod_cf=c.cod_cf');
> sql.Add('and');
> sql.Add('a.cod_cau=d.cod_cau');
> sql.Add('and');
> sql.Add('a.cod_mag=:cod_mag');
> sql.Add('and');
> sql.Add('b.cod_art=:cod_art');
> sql.Add('and');
> sql.Add('(d.q_c_acq+d.q_c_div)>0');
> sql.Add('order by d_mov desc');
> end;
>When the event OnChange of the TPageControl is triggered, I prepare,
>the execute the query above
> with AcqQry do
> begin
> Close;
> Prepare;
> ParamByName('cod_art').AsString:=CurrentArt;
> ParamByName('cod_mag').AsString:=CurrentAcqMag;
> Open;
> end;
>This code works ok when:
>1. I work on a local database
>2. I work on a remote database in a LAN
>However, when I run the application against a remote database
>connected via a slow TCP/IP modem connection, I get the following
>error message:
>335544569 ISC ERROR CODE: 335544569
>TOKEN UNKNOWN - line 1, char 14
>Any idea re the cause of the problem ?
occurs. What does the IB_Monitor show?