Subject RE: [IBO] Problem with IB_LookupCombo
Author Norman Dunbar
Hi Christoph,

Black colour sounds like you have not opened the query/cursor associated
with the dropdown. However, if this is not the case, then here are some
rough notes from a little project of mine :

A TIB_Query to select the code field and the description field from the
appropriate table, ordered as desired. Call it qryLookup, and a TIB_DataSet
which is connected to it. SQL = 'select code_field, description_field from
lookup_table order by description_field'.

Set the TIB_LookupCombo's DataSource field to the above query. (qryLookup)

Set the TIB_LookupCombo's KeySource to the 'main' dataset - the one which
has a code field for which you wish to show the description. (qryMain in my

Set the KeyLinksAutoDefine property to false on the query above (qryLookup)
Set the KeyLinks property to the correct setting. See below.

Optionally set the code field to non-visible in qryLookup's FieldsVisible

Open the lookup dataset when the form is being shown for the first time.
[Optionally] refresh it as and when required.

Close & unprepare it when the form is closed.

Setting keylinks needs to be the
'lookup_table.primary_key=main_table.code_field' and there should be no
spaces between the equal (=) sign and every thing else.

The above works for me - provided I remember to specify the keylinks using
table and column names and NOT query names, and that I remember to open the
qryLookup as well :o)



Norman Dunbar
Database/Unix administrator
Lynx Financial Systems Ltd.
Tel: 0113 289 6265
Fax: 0113 289 3146

-----Original Message-----
From: Christoph [mailto:lists@...]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 1:37 PM
Subject: [IBO] Problem with IB_LookupCombo

I am having trouble getting an IB_LookupCombo to work.

Is the "Thinking About Links" section of the GSG the right place to look?

I have got a form that has some controls linked to a TIB_Datasource
that is linked to a TIB_Query and everything works fine.

I then add another datasource and query for the lookup and change the
keylinks property in the query to something like

I then set the datasource of the lookup combo to the lookup ds, the
display field to the second column in the lookup query, and the
keysource on the lookup query to be the datasource of the orignal query.

When I run it I can still browse the main query ok but the lookup
combo is black and if I drop it down the dropdown is only a couple of
pixles high.

Can somebody help me please? I am using Delphi 7 pro and IBObjects
4.2.Ib on Windows XP connecting to Firebird 1.



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