Re: [IBO] Cannont install ibobjects types.dcu not found
Calin Iancu Pirtea
Post date
----- Original Message -----
From: "Helen Borrie"
> Incidentally, Types is not in the uses list of
> IB_ControlInterface.pas..but that's not to say it isn't implicit in the
> builds of the other used D6/D7units...Forms, Graphics.
Actualy yes it is in the download patch file.
IB_ControlInterface.pas uses types.pas instead of windows.pas.(In case of
Delphi5 only)
I don't have Delphi 6 installed to see where TRect is defined but I guess is
in Types.pas
and that is the only diference I see introduced. (by Wassim Haddad)