Subject Re: Patch release IBO 4.2Ic
Author Marco Menardi
Very good.
I've two bugs with patch sent many times to Jason about IB_ComboBox
but was never rejected nor included.
The same for a trivial improvements (bugfix?) in the IB_Text text
positioning if border/bevel is defined.
I'm feeling more and more disheartened :(
What can it be?
Marco Menardi

btw Helen, did you had a look at my recent "Lookup Query keylinks
problem"? I can't think an aceptable workaround, since keystrokes in
the IB_Lookupcombo can't be managed before the controls "executes" the
Canc keypress, and adding a different button for cancelling it it's
not very nice UI.

--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Jason has posted patch release IBO 4.2Ic to all areas. This interim
> release has the following patches:
> Some changes were made in IB_Ledger.pas so that UNICODE could be
> Support for the FIRST and SKIP tokens added to IB_Parse.pas (Pirtea
> Iancu).
> Added a missing form to a package files (IBO40VRT_C5.*) (Paul Vinkenoog)
> From :
> In IB_Import.pas, fixed a problem with importing NULLs (Magni
> From :
> In IB_ControlInterface.pas, added an interface extension to support
> draw controls, and support for it in IB_Grid.pas (Wassim Haddad).
> cheers,
> Helen