Subject Re: Two questions
Author Marco Menardi
Reading source code you find that there is the property UseIBOBold
that must be True (IBC_Label.pas, procedure TIB_Label.DoGetLabel):
if UseIBOBold and
IsIBColumnMandatory(tmpCol, IB_AutoLabel_IgnoreZeroDefault) then
AFont.Style := AFont.Style + [fsBold];

so you have that property to true in addition to having them chained
to a "mandatory" column.
Since it's true by default, I'm surprised you have only two of them
Marco Menardi

--- In, "Salvatore Besso" <s.besso@m...> wrote:
> hello Marco,
> ok, I have used the AutoLabel facility and the bold problem is solved,
> but it's curious that the problem happens with a standard TIB_Label.
> > it's bold if the field is "required" or "not null".
> All the fields are required/not null and then all the TIB_Label's
> should be bold, not only the first. There is something else that I'm
> missing...
> Thank you and regards
> Salvatore