Subject RE: [IBO] ISAPI and IBO
Author Lindsay Gauton
No I'm already using TCP/IP

-----Original Message-----
From: Helen Borrie [mailto:helebor@...]
Sent: 20 March 2003 21:47
Subject: Re: [IBO] ISAPI and IBO

At 07:15 PM 20/03/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>I'm just starting to build a ISAPI DLL based on webbroker, and
>IBO4.2I (Delphi 7 Pro. ) and I've followed the various previous
>postings on what to include etc. TIB_Session and created first, and
>the DLL works fine for a single client. As soon as multiple clients
>are connected and database activity starts the clients get ISC
>errors - generally 'Error reading data from connection'. I'm assuming
>I'm missing something in the IBO setup of sessions and connections
>but I cannot spot it. Does anyone have any ideas on this?

Are you trying to use a Windows local connection, by any chance?
Use TCP/IP local loopback instead.

Here's the connection stream from the IBO online FAQ's datamodule:

object cn: TIB_Connection
PasswordStorage = psNotSecure
DatabaseName = 'ibobase'
Params.Strings = (
'USER NAME=xyz')
Left = 8
Top = 24
SavedPassword = '.JuMbLe.whatever'


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