Subject RE: [IBO] Installing IBObjects on BCB6
Author Norman Dunbar
Morning Cassie,

this is a problem caused by running an UPGRADE version of BCB6. It does not
affect the full 'purchased for the first time ever' version. There is a
patch you need to download from which fixes
this. It would appear that you are probably running a completely unpatched
version of BCB6, so there are a couple of patches (and some help file
updates) you need to get from the above URL. Note that you'll need to have
registered your copy of BCB6 before you'll be able to download the fixes.

I had exactly the same problems when I upgraded from BCB4 to BCB6 and the
problem was not with IBO as such, but with the Pascal compiling system in
BCB itself. Once patched, everything was fine. Until you patch it, you will
probably have these problems installing any 3rd party components which are
written in Delphi.



Norman Dunbar
Database/Unix administrator
Lynx Financial Systems Ltd.
Tel: 0113 289 6265
Fax: 0113 289 3146
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