Subject RE: [IBO] Server time
Author Josipovic, Nikica
select current_timestamp from RDB$database works.
RDB$Database is a system table with no real function for the query (you can take any table you like), but it is a table which is guaranteed to have only one row, so a select on this will always result in a singleton select.

But why is it not possible to work with the current_timestamp system variable directly in the where-clause, so that your processing is shifted to the server-side, where processing in 2-tier apps normally belongs to?

CU, Nick

-----Original Message-----
From: tickerboo2002 <support@...>
Sent: 25.02.2003 14:26
Subject: [IBO] Server time

Do any of the IBO components let me get the server's date/timestamp?

I have a query:

select *
from table1

which returns a few dates and I want to do some tests on these dates
using the current date. Rather than amending my query to return the
current_date and being forced to list every column I want returning
in the select, are there alternative means of getting the servers

