Subject Re: [IBO] What DB Server OSes can IBO connect to?
Author Eric Leung
Dear Russell,
It seems not a IBO problem.

firebird 1.5 has added aliases.conf
it now allows to simplify your connection string as simply as


when you have added an entry

MyFDB=whatever path to your FDB

to this aliases.conf

since this aliases.conf is stored in the server. No more different
format in the file path.


Russell Belding wrote:
> Hello Team IBO
> Firebird has install programs for Windows, Linux, MacOS, AIX, HP-US,
> FreeBSD, Darwin.
> I have used my IBO Windows client application with the FB engine on Windows
> and Linux boxes.
> For a Windows DB server IBO requires a connection string like
> "machinename:DriveLetter:\folder1\folder2\file.ext" and for a Linux DB
> server IBO requires a connection string like
> "machinename:/folder1/folder2/file.ext".
> With no test access to boxes with the other OSes listed above I am wondering
> if I can tell a prospective user that can use my app with a, for example,
> AIX DB server?
> Do all the other OSes above support Windows clients as a Linux+Samba file
> sever box does?
> Will IBO connect to them and if so what is the form of IBO's connection
> string?
> Thanks
> Russell Belding
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