Subject Re: [IBO] Best approach
Author Helen Borrie

At 04:22 PM 7/02/2003 +0100, you wrote:

>thank you for your reply. I still haven't discovered all IBO aspects
>and I was wondering if something similar to the BDE fields editor of
>TTable/TQuery exists for TIB_Query/TIB_Cursor, I mean right-clicking
>on the BDE component, choose "fields editor" and select the persistent
>fields that will be automatically created/inserted in the source.

Not for these native TIB_ components. There are no persistent fields in
TIB_ You work directly with the specs of the actual output fields in IBO's
dataset editor. Double-click on the component in the IDE to start up the
modal dataset editor for the selected dataset.

>Well, if this facility exists for IBO, I was wondering if it could be
>a good approach instead of having to remember all field names :-)

Once you activate the connection in the IDE (set Connected property true),
the SQL editor inside the dataset editor supplies you with tables and field
names. The SQL property defines the output set so, once you have made your
SQL statement, you can prepare it and operate on the data.

There are dozens and dozens of properties and attributes in the Dataset editor.

TIB_Connection has its own editor, which is like an admin console. On the
connection, you can set a lot of properties globally, to apply to the
columns of database tables everywhere in your app.

It's really very different to the TDataset architecture.
