Subject | Re[2]: [IBO] Best approach |
Author | Daniel Rail |
Post date | 2003-02-07T15:57:38Z |
descendants doesn't exist for the IBO native(TIB_Query/TIB_Cursor)
components. Even though I use persistent fields with the TDataset
descendants, I still use FieldByName().
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (
> hello Svein,Persistent fields in the same way as the TDataset(TIBOQuery/TIBOTable)
> thank you for your reply. I still haven't discovered all IBO aspects
> and I was wondering if something similar to the BDE fields editor of
> TTable/TQuery exists for TIB_Query/TIB_Cursor, I mean right-clicking
> on the BDE component, choose "fields editor" and select the persistent
> fields that will be automatically created/inserted in the source.
> Well, if this facility exists for IBO, I was wondering if it could be
> a good approach instead of having to remember all field names :-)
descendants doesn't exist for the IBO native(TIB_Query/TIB_Cursor)
components. Even though I use persistent fields with the TDataset
descendants, I still use FieldByName().
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (