Subject Re: [IBO] Strange behavior in TIBOTable
Author hans
If cust_id is a decimal (18,2) , you might have run into simular
difficulties I expenrienced
with TIBOTable. Jason will include my fix or modified fix in next release
after 4.2.1b


----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Martinez" <joe@...>
To: "IB Objects" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 1:47 AM
Subject: [IBO] Strange behavior in TIBOTable

| A customer of my has observed a strange behavior, and I have reproduced
| I have a TIBOTable. It's key field (CUSTID) is, of course, a required
| field. I perform the following series of events:
| 1) I start my app. My customer table is automatically opened, and I'm
| automatically on the first customer record (CUSTID of 1). The CUSTID is
| displayed on my form, so I know that it's set (not null).
| 2) I Edit the record (click on the Edit button on the TDBNavigator).
| 3) I change something in the record, and click on the check mark in the
| TDBNavigator.
| 4) I get an exception: CUSTID is a required field.
| If I then click on the X on the TDBNavigator, and then repeat steps 2-3,
| works fine and doesn't give me the exception.
| Also, this only happens if this is the first thing that I do after
| the app, and only if it's the first record in the table. If I scroll to
| another record and come back to it, I don't have the problem.
| Using the debugger, I traced it to the following procedure:
| procedure TIB_Dataset.CheckRequiredFields;
| var
| ii: Integer;
| begin
| for ii := 0 to Fields.ColumnCount - 1 do
| with Fields[ii] do
| if IsNull and not ReadOnly and not Computed and Required then
| begin
| FocusControl;
| raise
| end;
| end;
| The exception is being raised in the third to last line. So, apparently,
| the system thinks that the CUSTID field is null, even though there's no
| that it could be. All I'm doing is editing an existing record. The
| existing record already has a non-null value for CUSTID, and I'm
| not resetting it to null. It just seems strange that it only happens in
| the very limited set of circumstances (which I've already explained).
| Here's the DML for my TIBOTable:
| object CustTable: TIBOTable
| DatabaseName = 'SMRDBS_MAN'
| FetchWholeRows = False
| KeyLinks.Strings = (
| RecordCountAccurate = True
| BeforeDelete = CustTableBeforeDelete
| BeforePost = CustTableBeforePost
| OnNewRecord = CustTableNewRecord
| OnPostError = CustTablePostError
| TableName = 'CUSTOMER'
| FieldOptions = []
| Left = 593
| Top = 228
| object CustTableCUSTID: TIntegerField
| FieldName = 'CUSTID'
| Required = True
| end
| object CustTableCUSTFNAME: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTFNAME'
| Size = 25
| end
| object CustTableCUSTLNAME: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTLNAME'
| Size = 25
| end
| object CustTableCUSTADDRESS: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTADDRESS'
| Size = 80
| end
| object CustTableCUSTCITY: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTCITY'
| end
| object CustTableCUSTSTATE: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTSTATE'
| Size = 2
| end
| object CustTableCUSTZIP: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTZIP'
| Size = 10
| end
| object CustTableCUSTTYPE: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTTYPE'
| Size = 10
| end
| object CustTableCUSTPHONE1: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTPHONE1'
| end
| object CustTableCUSTPHONE2: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTPHONE2'
| end
| object CustTableCUSTINTCLASS: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTINTCLASS'
| Size = 1
| end
| object CustTableCUSTSPARE1: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTSPARE1'
| Size = 50
| end
| object CustTableCUSTSPARE2: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTSPARE2'
| Size = 50
| end
| object CustTableCUSTDATE1: TDateTimeField
| FieldName = 'CUSTDATE1'
| OnSetText = CustTableCUSTDATE1SetText
| end
| object CustTableCUSTDATE2: TDateTimeField
| FieldName = 'CUSTDATE2'
| OnSetText = CustTableCUSTDATE2SetText
| end
| object CustTableCUSTEMAIL: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTEMAIL'
| Size = 80
| end
| object CustTableSTOREID: TIntegerField
| FieldName = 'STOREID'
| Required = True
| end
| object CustTableCUSTDISCOUNT: TIBOFloatField
| FieldName = 'CUSTDISCOUNT'
| end
| object CustTableCUSTTAXEXEMPT: TStringField
| Size = 1
| end
| object CustTableCUSTINACTIVE: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTINACTIVE'
| Size = 1
| end
| object CustTableCUSTNOTES: TMemoField
| FieldName = 'CUSTNOTES'
| BlobType = ftMemo
| Size = 2000
| end
| object CustTableCUSTBDAY: TDateTimeField
| FieldName = 'CUSTBDAY'
| OnSetText = CustTableCUSTBDAYSetText
| end
| object CustTableCUSTPHONEUNF: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTPHONEUNF'
| end
| object CustTableCUSTBADCHECK: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTBADCHECK'
| Size = 1
| end
| object CustTableCUSTTERMS: TStringField
| FieldName = 'CUSTTERMS'
| end
| object CustTableCUSTCREDITLIMIT: TFloatField
| end
| object CustTableCUSTTOTALMONEY: TFloatField
| end
| object CustTableCUSTTOTALVOLUME: TFloatField
| end
| end
| Any ideas???
| -Joe
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