Subject setting up search
Author James
iam having a problem here setting a search ... please bear with me Iam
having a hard time expressing myself :-)

i have a table.sql properties set with this ...

select ID,SupplierID,Amount from suppliercredit

I want to setup a search interface for the user, will have bring up a
window with a list of supplier name from the supplier table.
The procedure will be like this ... a button will put the table in
search by after that after clicking a button that will
bring the window with a list of suppliers name. After chosing the
supplier name and closing the window with list of suppliers. A post
method will called ( ) to perform a search, I don't know how
to do this step.

I have did something like this before but the table do have supplier
name field in it ... so what I did is a ib_edit that is assigned to the
supplier name field, I just to something like this ...
ib_edit.text:='borland'; then call for post to perform for the search
... (is there other way than this? Iam doing this because we cant do
something like table.fieldbyname('suppliername').asstring:='borland' in
search mode so I just assign it to the ib_edit)

