Subject Help!!! TwwIncrementalSearch slow with TIBOTable
I've been pulliing my hair out over this one.

I imported a very large dataset (450K rows) into FireBird, Advantage
Database Server (ADS) and dbISAM.

Next I indexed the key field VARCHAR(100)

Now I know there is an IBO Increment Search Control but I need some
other features of InfoPower not present in IBObjects so I need to
use TIBOTable.

So I set up

IB_Connection--> TIBOTable--> TwwDatasource -->

With dbISAM and ADS respoonse is nearly instant. With FireBird +
IBO it takes as much as 60 seconds. The SQL monitor show Forebird
Scanning he ful table to find the closest record.

I have an index set


I really want to use Firebird and IBO but this is a show stopper.