Subject Re: [IBO] CreateBlobStream error
Author Jason Wharton
Not sure, but if you can send me a sample application demonstrating an IBO
problem it will help me make sure it is working correctly.

IBX or IBO could be messing with a header. There used to be a little bit of
header information attached to image blobs. You could be running into that
issue somehow.

Jason Wharton

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alfred Thomas" <alfred@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 6:00 AM
Subject: [IBO] CreateBlobStream error

> Hi all
> I am busy converting an application from IBX to IBO. Code that used to
> now doesn't.
> I am finding an image(BLOB field) in a table and displaying it.
> The code(C++ builder) is as follows:
> FindQuery->Close();
> FindQuery->ParamByName("AuthorityCd")->AsString = AuthorityCd->Text;
> FindQuery->ParamByName("IDNumber")->AsString = IDNumber->Text;
> FindQuery->Open();
> if(FindQuery->Eof && FindQuery->Bof)
> {
> ShowMessage("No Record found");
> return;
> }
> TJPEGImage * JPEG = new TJPEGImage();
> rantImage"), bmReadWrite));
> Image->Picture->Bitmap->Assign(JPEG);
> delete JPEG;
> The line:
> rantImage"), bmReadWrite));
> causes an error JPEG error #41. What is the difference between IBX and
> CreateBlobStream?
> Regards
> Alfred Thomas