Subject Is this a buy when posting while ib_edit still on focus?
Author James Chua
Here is the scenario:

I have a ib_edit point on a Amount field name. Then a I have a save
button where is will first check the amount field if it is greater than
zero. then followed by a post if it is greater than zero. It so happen
that my ib_edit that points to the amount field is the last ib_edit to
be fillup, so on clicking the save button the focus is still on the
ib_edit resulting to my input not registered into the buffer (am I using
the correct terms? pardon me.) That's why I get a result of not being
able to save the record. But if I first shift the focus away from the
ib_edit to somewhere else then click on the save button that's the time
things work out fine.

I don't know if this problem is related to the ib_control or to the

Any suggestions or ideas?

Thanks a lot.
