Subject 4.3 exception
Author Ed Dressel
I upgraded to 4.3 and now when my app starts I get the following

Debugger Exception Notification
Project TRAK.exe raised exception class EAssertionFailed with
message 'IBDatasetFields.InitFields tmpField.FieldName: LastName <>
tmpCol.BDEFieldName: LASTNAME (C:\ibo\IBODataset.pas, line 2862)'.
Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue.
OK Help

After looking at it, it seems that the line of code:

if tmpField.FieldName = tmpCol.BDEFieldName then

should be change to

if (AnsiCompareText(tmpField.FieldName, tmpCol.BDEFieldName) =
0) then

Can anyone comment on this?

Ed Dressel