Subject Re: [IBO] IBO 4.2.I / Firebird1.5 / Windows 2000 Advanced Server / Delphi 6 problem
Author rogervellacott
I have seen something very similar, and I think this is the

Putting IB_Components into the uses clause causes IBO to call a
function in gds32.dll, even if no IB components are created or used.

In FB1.5, gds32.dll simply redirects calls to fbclient.dll.

If you have fbclient.dll but not gds32.dll in your project folder,
and gds32.dll is in the Windows search path (eg in Windows/system),
then gds32.dll cannot always find fbclient. Hence the error, which
manifests as an illegal Windows operation.

This is why it might work ok on one project, but not another.

Roger Vellacott

--- In, "Marv Cook" <mjcook@i...> wrote:
> Helen,
> In Delphi, create a simple form. Add a label with caption 'Hello
> Run it. It will run on anything.
> Now add IB_Components to the uses clause. Run it. It will run on
> except a server running Firebase 1.5, where it will throw a
Dr.Watson error.
> This can be a problem if you have a library unit that uses IB in
one of its
> functions, even if that function is not called in the program you
> creating.
> My server did not have Dr.Watson give any indication of an error by
> I had to discover the error and set up Dr Watson to show errors.
> Marv